Life change happens best in circles, not rows!

Ladies enjoying christian community with one another.


We have open groups of every Life-Stage meeting continuously on our campuses each week. Connecting people, both visitors and attendees is the most important task of Life Groups! We want to connect and "do life together" through Life Groups!


Life Groups bring together people for authentic conversations about Jesus, His Word, and our lives. This engages people of all ages in evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and worship of Christ.

Men praying over one another.


Life Groups help people experience the love and care of others. This is where people get to minister to people! Prayer, encouragement, affection, acceptance, honor, and service are emphasized in all groups.

  • In Acts 2, we see a snapshot of the life-changing community in the early church. In verse 42, Luke describes how the early church was connecting ("fellowship", "devoted themselves to meeting together"), conversing ("apostle's teaching", "praising God"), and caring ("prayer", "sold possessions", gave "as any had need") for one another. Our desire is to foster that same sense of biblical community. Therefore, Life Groups are at the very core of our church family. They are where we live out our mission of pointing people to Christ. Our desire is that every person connected to our church would be connected through a Life Group. At every gathering, Life Groups will focus on Connection, Conversation, and Care.

  • Everyone! Believer or non-believer (seeing biblical community lived out is a great way to explore Christianity). Member or non-member. Old or young, introvert or get the picture! We believe Life Groups are the best place to experience the gospel through life-changing connections, conversations, and care, no matter who you are!

Life Group Key Components

In Acts 2, we see a snapshot of the life-changing community we want our LifeGroups to foster. In verse 42, Luke describes how the early church was connecting ("fellowship", "devoted themselves to meeting together"), conversing ("apostle's teaching", "praising God"), and caring ("prayer", "sold possessions", gave "as any had need") for one another. Therefore, at every gathering, Life Groups will focus on Connection, Conversation, and Care.

Our groups have a simple, weekly rhythm:

  • Connect Time - First 15 minutes - Welcome everyone and connect with visitors allowing for a brief time of open fellowship. Share any significant announcements or plans for the group.

  • Conversation Time - Middle 30 minutes - God uses His Word to reveal Himself to us, equip us to live the good life He’s designed for us, show us our sin, and strengthen us as we follow Him. We spend time learning the Word together and applying it as a group.

  • Care Time - Last 15 Minutes - This is when we update each other on the things that Jesus has been up to in our lives since we last saw each other. As a Life Group, we care about each other’s lives: what we’re celebrating, what we’re mourning, what decisions we are praying through, and everything in between.